God's mercy towards us


Ever sat down and noticed places in the bible where the Mercy of God was a subject?

Without doubt, we are often insulted and hurt when our friends, family members, class mates or even course mates fail to be merciful towards to us. 

I'm sure at times we have admitted our wrongdoings or neediness to our loved ones yet they fail to demonstrate any ounce or bit of compassion and to be honest those times are very noticeable.

You send a message:

"I need HELP", still

The person ignores your message and moves on like he or she never read a thing.

I know, it hurts like crazy....we have all been in these situations before; asking for forgiveness ; asking for help; asking for simple understanding. 

And after all these what do we receive at the end?

Judgmentalism & Condemnation; they both go hand in hand; and the natural human nature is very prone to these two.

Before we proceed further; 

What exactly is Mercy; why is it such a big deal?

Mercy simply means showing compassion or forgiveness towards others when its within your power to do them harm or evil. 

In case you have not yet realized it ; mercy is not giving to another what they deserve;

It is giving to another what they do not deserve yet you still decide to give them.

This fully describes our Abba father; my one and only; the God of all creatures;(pardon me i get a little excited when i start calling him his names😅). 

So we should not be surprised that the bible calls him the Father of mercies(grab this one you can call him this name when you are praising him).

Yes! God is a merciful God, but unfortunately a lot of us have abused it. We feel it is our right to enjoy Gods mercy and misuse it. 

Fam, God is not obligated to provide mercy to you and i; we are not entitled to God's mercy; we have no right to claim his mercy. Without Christ we are ordinary filthy sinners that do not deserve his mercy. 

Romans 9: 14 -16 says; 

What shall we say then is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid; For he saith to Moses; i will have mercy on whom i will have mercy on and i will have compassion on whom i will have compassion on. So then it is not of him that runneth nor of him that willeth but of God that showeth mercy.

The best thing we could do is to obtain the mercy of God; our righteousness is as filthy as rags before God; it is only through Christ that the proper atonement can come through.

You and i have two decisions to make;

~Do you want to seek the favour of God by being self righteous and obeying his laws perfectly without no flaws?


~Do you want to admit that you are a sinner, fall down before your father and beg him for mercy?

Let me ask you again;

Are you really, like really trusting in your own righteousness?  Or

Are you fleeing to Christ for MERCY?

The mercy of God abounds forever still it does not mean we should abound in sin forever, God's mercy should be preserved and appreciated at all times not misused.

And i pray that as many of us that are looking up to their father to show mercy, may the Lord answer our requests and have mercy on us all in Jesus name. We really need God's mercy; so if you receive do not be over joyous to the extent that you misuse it.

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then, check out for more devotions!


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