To whom do you yield?


Anchor Scripture:  

O Lord i know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.(Jer 10:23)(KJV version)

Lord i know that none of us are in charge of our own destiny; none of us have control over our own life(Jer 10:23)(Good news version)

If you ask me, i really love how the Goodnews version broke down the word of knowledge into smaller truths. Indeed none of us are in charge of our own destiny.

Many theological claims have been spread across the world over the subject of "Free will". It has been written and established that we have we have free will which enables us to control every situation or circumstances in our lives. However fam, our anchor scripture is saying otherwise, this reduces the claims of theologians to its greatest simplicity.

"It is not in a man hands to direct his steps". Not at all! The Good news version even brings out this point more strongly when it says "mere mortals can not run their own" lives, men and women do not just have what it takes to take charge of their lives!

It takes Influence; an influence we all submit to each and everyday of our lives, be it in the morning, afternoon or night. Everyone's actions on planet Earth is as a result of a higher influence. It is an undeniable truth that every decision one makes is by some spirit, either God's spirit or a dark spirit.

And this influence is strong enough to control every of our action.

This not about spiritualism but a "plain and important truth", truth that we all must realize or else we would just be taken advantage of every time.

Yes, i agree, there is a subject of Free will; in fact free will is a beautiful gift given unto man by God. But you see even this beautiful gift is also influenced by something; we do not just act on our own:

We do not just decide to watch pornography based on our free will; there is an influence behind it.

• We do not just decide to go on fasting or prayer just like that; there is an influence behind it.

Most times we attempt to run away from this truth and deny it by waving the flag of free will which gives you control over your life. But that is not true because if it were:

It would be easy to break free from pornography addiction.

• If it were it would be really easy to stop getting angry or upset over every little thing.

• If it were it would be easy to break free from habits that could literally mar or destroy your life.

It would be easy! But it is not! no! It isn't

In fact, it is called an addiction in the first place because we are not in control of it; we want to stop but we just can not stop ourselves....  You see, it is high time we awaken more strongly to the influences we are continuously yielding to daily.

Truly the invisible influences the visible.

Why do we need to know this truth? Because it awakens us more strongly to the influences we are yielded to on a daily basis, we can no longer afford to be ignorant!

We have to be conscious of our every move, response, thoughts and actions, we must ponder on it daily and and continuously answer this question: 

To which Spirit am i yielding to?

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then, check out more devotions!


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