God Speaks!

Anchor Scripture:

 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. [John 16:13-14 NKJ]

The truth is God speaks to everyone, but it all depends on your ability to be sensitive to hear Him speak.

God speaks to us through:

1. His word

2. His Spirit

3. People

4. Dreams

5. Past experiences

6. Nature

7. Books

8. Things we enjoy doing etc.


Generally, God speaks to us through his Word. That is why studying the Bible is very

necessary. When we read our Bible, we find out new things no doubt, also, we use those things we learn from the Bible to make our lives better. The Bible teaches us precept by precept because truly it's an instructional book  & our manual as well! It tells us what/what not to do.

By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. [Psalms 119:105 MSG].

I love the way this version explains this verse!

So God's word basically guides everything we're doing in life and God is the one who gives us the needed directions through his word. There are situations you're in and you feel completely overwhelmed cause you can't seem to find any solution or way out. When you read your Bible, God might direct you to a verse that embodies the whole answers to your questions, worries & concerns!


We can't hear from God if we do not have the Holy Spirit in us. To be able to hear directly from God, you need to have the Holy Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit is the interpreter. God the Father speaks, God the spirit interprets. Remember we are all Spirits. God doesn't work with our body (physical), he communicates through our spirits and for him to do that, our Spirit has to be connected to his Spirit. They need to flow together because only when you have given God room can he to speak to you through his Spirit.

 We meet people everyday and of course if you haven't been paying attention when God is speaking to you, he results to using people. But even at that you need the Holy Spirit to be able to discern that the person was actually sent to you by God. 


Everyone is a dreamer and majority of us receive visions, instructions and warning through your dreams. That's how God speaks to you. However, these dreamers need to be very sensitive to know if it's truly from God or the devil. Dreams can also be manipulated yunno, Satan can also appear in your dreams and if you aren't sensitive enough, you might think it's God talking or communicating to you whereas its otherwise.


Yes! This is one way God speaks to me. Through past experiences, I am able to see God.

Through things that happened to me, God is able to direct me. One does not need to dwell on the things of the past, or carry hatred from the past into the future. But you can remember certain things because God might be trying to guide our future through those experiences. There are certain mistakes I can't make again cus I have looked back at past experiences and I know they weren't pleasurable but God in his wisdom and glory just used those experiences to make me who I am today. So sensitivity also comes in here.


Nature! Very beautiful and amazing. God can speak to you through his creations. I write peoms(not so much now tho) but like 3 years ago, I was crazy about writing poems and my inspiration comes from nature. I remember writing one that was filled with thanksgiving. You know peoms are not always direct so I wasn't writing "thank you for...". Instead, I was seeing God and his marvellous works in the trees around me, the birds, the sky etc. and I was appreciating him for it. That was God showing me his mighty works...


The same way God speaks to us through his word is the same way he speaks to us through spiritual and inspirational books. 


God speaks to people through their hobbies. If you like music, God can speak to you through a song. If you like watching movies, God can speak to you through a movie. I remember watching Avengers endgame, I can't really remember the particular scene but I know I was seeing God in what I was watching, it's funny yeah but God is just amazing. So whatever it is you're doing, God can speak to you through it but it requires sensitivity to know.

Spiritual sensitivity is the ability to perceive and respond, by the movement of the Holy Spirit, to God’s will, His love, and our own wrongdoings. 

A spiritually sensitive person is often very in tune with God’s heart. One thing about being young is that we have a tendency to speak our minds or find our own opinions noteworthy. If we are attentive to God, we will naturally think about what God wants us to say instead.

We need to be careful so we don't listen our hearts instead of God. Sometimes the devil might be trying to play mind games with you by pretending to be God. We can overcome that by being spiritually sensitive. And when God speaks, there is usually a scriptural backing and he might also send someone to tell you that same thing. We should always ask God for spiritual understanding and insight.


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