What's in your Bank?


Anchor Scripture:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.(Joshua 1:8)

The bank we are discussing about is definitely not the physical bank we go to almost everyday; it's not the one we make physical deposits to; this bank is called a SPIRITUAL BANK.

A spiritual bank operates exactly like the physical banks we go to; we make daily, monthly or even yearly deposits and when its time to use the money stored we quickly make a withdrawal.

I read a story in a novel about a pilot who landed a plane safely despite the threatening weather situations around him; he was later asked about those moments when he was faced with a life-death decision.

He replied: I've been making small and regular deposits in the bank of experience, education and training; and on that very day the balance was sufficient enough for me to make a huge withdrawal.

 He added: "Little drops of water make a mighty ocean"; Since day one i have been studying bits by bits; gathering little information seconds by seconds; i gathered a lot of experience and made all the deposits in my bank. That is how i could make use of all those knowledge, experience, and education when needed.

Most of us will at some time face crisis(life ain't a bed of roses). Perhaps it might be a job termination or the results of a medical test or exam taken or the loss of a dear friend or precious family member. 

At some point in our life we will be faced with challenges; tough challenges for that matter, it is in those crucial times we need to dig down deep into the reserves of our spiritual bank.

But what will we find there? Huh? What are we going to find there?

  • Would our bank be empty or filled with little deposits of God's word.
  • Would our spiritual bank be filled with void or the promises of God.
  • Would our spiritual bank be filled with fear or built up trust in our Abba Father.

Those little devotions you do, those little bible study you think do not matter; actually matters!

 It actually matters!

Day by day with consistency and regular deposits your bank will get full and stored up; my mom would say; "At first it might seem meaningless but when your cloud is full, rain will definitely fall".

And fam, that is exactly the point this morning if your bank account is filled with sufficient deposits you will be able to make a large withdrawal in times of need.

When you feel like faltering or giving up; you can withdraw the word of God  from your spiritual bank, and immediately you are strengthened.

When the devil keeps attacking with lies; you can withdraw the promises of God from your spiritual bank and slap the devil back in his face.

So buckle up and start making those little efforts; start making those little deposits; start cultivating the habit of prayer; start studying the word; do every little thing possible to build yourself spiritually, physically, academically, and mentally.

Fill up the bank of your life! Make sure you have enough to be able to fight and face head on the crisis that the devil might try to present in the future. Fight; fight with the word you have stored up times without number..

Youths, teenagers, time is running out your single hood only lasts for a short while, so build yourself enough; MAKE YOURSELF MORE CAPABLE!

Prayer: Abba Father, give me the grace to make daily deposits in my spiritual bank in Jesus name.

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then, check out for more devotions!


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