Living on the Altar of Sacrifice


Anchor Scripture: 

I beseech therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.(Romans 12:1)

As new creatures and redeemed souls in Christ we are to live on our altars of sacrifice. That is why Apostle Paul speaks of us presenting our bodies, mind and whole lives as living sacrifices.

But what exactly does it mean to live on the altar of sacrifice

To live on the altar of sacrifice means to live and serve God in such a way that his grace abounds in our lives giving life to everything we do.

It's not much of a sacrifice now, right?

•  You serve God and he multiplies your bread and water

• You give up that one thing he is begging you to let go and he repays/returns it back in a thousand fold

• You give him your time and he and he surprises you using miracles, signs, wonders and exploits.

Now we are having an head way; you see fam;

• Service to God is not meant to diminish you; 

• No! It is not meant to suck you dry;

• It is not meant to limit you;

• It is not meant to hold you down;

•  Service to God is not meant to enslave you

Instead we are meant to advance, step up, increase and grow big; this sacrifice we are talking about is only meant for a short while; it is not supposed to open doors to poverty, stagnancy, discomfort and failure. 

The world has long time known the body of Christ to be Paupers; let us be honest as well, there was probably a time when someone talked about us being a Pastor or Ministers to be our call, but we quickly rejected that as our portion.

Why? Apart from the fact that quite a lot of people think a call into ministry would take your freedom and life away some believe that being called by God is being called by poverty.

They believe our ministers of God or any so called Christians are mere paupers and unfortunately it has sometimes come out to be true.

But that is not the purpose of God for Christians; 

Presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice does not mean that we should live and die like paupers; 

• Living for God does not and will never prevent us from living in comfort.

Your career failing, your academics going haywire, your marriage falling apart, your friendship going sour, your ministry disintegrating all because of your service to God is not the plan or purpose of God at all!

 Christianity is not associated with long time poverty, stagnancy, delay, continuous failure and back lash. 

Yes i agree that there will hard times but God has promised us that our land will surely flourish again; age long poverty is not the destiny of a Christian so, we must never associate ourselves with such thinking; we must never see glory in such a life or call it the sacrificial living for Christ, instead we must renew our mind as Romans 12:2 requires and claim all our promises for our lives that is recorded in the Word.

Fam, believe the Word;

There is no honour nor glory in living and dying like a man not anointed with the gladness of oil.

Know it ;

• Christians can also become wealthy

• Christians can also reach the top ladder

• Christians can top their academics

• Christians can also excel in every areas of their life

• Christians can come out successful!

We can achieve all things and all heights through Christ that strenghtens us(Philippians 4:13)

• So do not let anyone look down on you for being a Christian, 

• Do not let anyone make you feel like a fool for presenting yourselves holy and acceptable unto God; 

• Don't let anyone get into your head that you can not climb the top ladder because you call on God.

We are Christians not fools.

We are Christians not dummies.

We are Christians not failures.

GOLDEN NUGGET: God is never unfaithful to forget your labour of love/ sacrifice so, allow him to serve through you because that is the only way his life can spread to every area of your life and everything that concerns you.

Prayer: Abba Father, i say thank you; thank you for the revelation in the truth of your Word. Thank you for the great opportunity to serve you. From this time henceforth i yield to your spirit to serve and change the world through me in Jesus name

Amen! Did you enjoy it? Then, check out for more devotions!


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