Understanding the depth of God's love


Anchor Scripture:

May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long , how high and how deep his love really his. May you experience the love of Christ though it is so great you will never fully understand it.( Ephesians 3:17-19)

To be honest God's love can not be fully described, the prayer Apostle Paul mentioned in our anchor scripture is not asking God for more head knowledge, not at all! But that we all should understand so that it would really sink in and go from head knowledge to heart knowledge about how very much our Abba Father loves us.

For he is love himself the Scripture says;

Most importantly, this prayer asks us to experience the love of Christ on a personal level, you see knowledge is not enough, great sermons are not enough either, neither is hearing what God did in someone else life enough.

A personal experience is what we all need, it takes God’s Spirit imparting power to each of us to fathom or rather comprehend the depth, length and width, of God’s amazing love for us in Christ Jesus.  Just as Apostle Paul was praying earnestly for Christians, we are to ask that our roots would go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love


•   If you are deeply rooted in Gods love then you can say that you truly understand love.

•   If you want to truly know the meaning of love then you have to first comprehend Gods love.

God is the true definition of "Love"

And, what we do not have we can not give out to others; if you do not have love you can not give it unto others. Also if you do not know the true meaning of love then you just can not produce it and spread to others,

That means any one who knows God on a personal level knows Love; that is the criteria and should be our common denominator, our roots should be in Gods love, his love is sufficient enough to be spread to others who lack it.

Prayer: Lord Jesus i want to experience your love in a deeper way than i have ever before, grant me the grace Abba Father to understand the limitless extent of your love. Be the center of my life Lord.

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then, check out more devotions!


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