Be still :)

Anchor scripture:

Be still and know that i am God(Psalm 46:10)

Hey there :) 

Do you perhaps find it difficult to be still?

For years, the thought of being still sounded so easy to me, it felt like it was something that i could easily do even when situations around me were not rosy. And most times i considered the term "Be still" as silence. When i get fed up with certain things or confused about an issue I would just sit down in a corner of my room and "wait".

Waiting in Silence

However, while spending time alone with God in silence is good, i have recently learned what the author of the book of Psalm meant by "Be still". To be still does not only mean sitting in silence. Among many other things, to be still could mean different things to different individuals.

  • To person A "Be still" could mean to: Stop talking
  • To person B "Be still" could mean to: Cease striving
-This is an important one 
  • To person C "Be still" could mean: 
"Stop questioning"

Yh fam, you read it right; Stop questioning. As much as we would like to question God as to why this is happening to our parents or why this is happening to our siblings or why this is  happening to our family, sometimes its better to "Stop questioning".

You see the meaning of "To know" in our anchor scripture means to "Stop doubting" and just have faith.

Stretch your imaginations far beyond human logical reasoning.

"That i am God" in our anchor scripture is reminding us never to forget who God is: Loving Father, Faithful friend, Consistent God, and among many others a Shepherd who will never lead you astray.

It can be so easy for us to do the opposite of having faith in God. Many of us as teens or youths spend our time questioning, murmuring, complaining and running in circles trying to make our lives as perfect as we want it to be ):

And its completely normal; yeah its normal to fidget when a crisis suddenly arises, its completely normal to be a bit scared when a issue is raised.

However in the midst of it all do not forget that the Lord is still in control ; as powerful as the devil might look like in your life, your family or our country do not forget that God is still the omnipotent(all powerful God).

He sees what is going on in our lives! And soon everything would make sense

Soon my dear family:) Soon......

Be silent; Be still

Stop questioning

And, just have faith.

Golden nugget: In case you are ever tempted again to question God in your life, just read Psalm 46. This scripture would remind you about who God is.

Prayer: Lord i have to be honest with you, being still can sometimes be a struggle for me. But above all my struggles Lord, help me remember who you really are in my life- that you are a faithful God who would never leave me nor forsake me. Forgive me for times when i have tried to figure things out on my own. Lord, i give you control.

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then check out for more devotions!


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