Our most important "Relationship"

Anchor scripture:

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known(John 1:18)

You might wonder: How does one deepen their relationship with an invisible being?

Some time back i was texting a friend before an online service started, and just as the theme music started to play, i told her that i had to go. Right then, she sent me a little smiley face and said: 

"It makes me so happy to know you are strengthening your most important relationship the more."

It has been a while since she has sent that and up till now i still think about that statement, to the extent i am evening sharing this experience with you guys. I had not thought of my relationship with of God in that light before but now that i think deeply about it, it is true!

Indeed there is no relationship of greater importance than our relationship with God.

But...... Why is it the most important relationship for us to spend time deepening?

  • It will last for eternity: Whatever relationship you build now is what would matter till eternity.
  • It will determine your future: Your now relationship with God determines a lot about your future and a lot about you.
  • It empowers you for daily living: A day without God is a day without direction.

The close relationship we build with God now is so important because it literally affects every aspect of our life, in fact without it all other relationships are meaningless.

  • We can try to find ourselves or identity in other people, 
  • We can try to find contentment (when the time is right) in the so called "Perfect" marriage",
  • We can later on in our lives, try to find contentment in our dating lives or our work.

But even after all these trials each of them would only let us down at the end of the day, for there is no perfect marriage, no perfect friendship, no perfect work life. As beautiful as they are, they all would leave us craving for more and feeling unsatisfied because God made us for more.

He created us to be "More"!

Yeah i can not at all deny that we all even as teens are all busy. However despite our activities, we need to carve out time to develop our most important relationship with a God who always makes time to listen to our cries, worries and complaints no matter how busy he is.

Make time 

Make time

Make time

It is the most important......

Prayer: Father, thank you for inviting me into an eternal relationship with you through Christ Jesus. Show me Lord how to enjoy you more and more with each passing day. In Jesus name.

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then check out for more devotions!


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