Watch out for the "D"!

Anchor Scripture:

In your anger, "do not sin". Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.(Ephesians 4: 26)

Anger is a natural human emotion that we all feel at a point in our lives. Even the Son of God (Jesus) must have probably experienced anger at some points during his journey on earth, see(John 2:14-15) for reference.

But there is no indication that Christ chewed on his anger, digested it and let it grow within him.

Yes, i know  how difficult it is to control our emotions when they bubble up or show up. Be it a feeling of lust, anger, shame or even worry, all these emotions can be quite difficult to control at times, but we can choose how we want to respond to them when they do surface.

There is a saying that: Feeling lustful or horny is not a sin, but your response to it determines whether or not it becomes a sin.

The same goes for anger; you are not the one responsible for making yourself angry, the other party is, however the moment you act on your anger it becomes your responsibility.

• If your anger leads to malice, envy, gossip, pre judgement or not treating that particular person with love (even if it is tough love), then watch out fam!

You might be giving the devil an opportunity):

• If your lust leads to fornication, masturbation or pornography, then watch out fam!

The devil is already creeping back right into your life):

When we put a "D"(for the devil) in front of anger , it spells DANGER!!!

It is not your fault, that your emotions are acting up neither is it your fault that the hormones in your body are running  helter skelter, no it's not!

But what you do with them is our main concern.

Your response is what matters

Anger can become more than a gut reaction if we brood on it for long. In fact it can lead to digestive issues or an embittered attitude towards that person.

So be careful what you think or even say; 

STOP  & take a deep breath, then hand it over to the Lord.

He's got your back fam:)

Golden Nugget: Yh, we are all humans and we are allowed to get upset. But it is what we allow to happen next that makes all the difference.

Prayer: Lord, i hand over my emotions to you, guide them. In whatsoever situation i find myself in let me turn to you before i turn on someone else. Let the Holy Spirit guard my tongue, guide my thoughts and control my actions so that i am able to overcome temptations even in difficult situations in Jesus name.

Throughout this day: Thank God for the gift of emotions that help you and i to understand what is going on in our mind. Whenever troubling emotions like anger or worry arise, take them to Jesus and invite him to show you how you should respond to them.

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