A clean slate

Anchor Scripture:

"Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin" [Romans 4:8]

I clearly remember a scene in a popularly known Christian series called : "Abbattoir", in this scene a man who is known to be a murderer and ritualist in the movie was being preached to about Christ by his son who has long forgiven him, but in midst of their conversation, he made a striking statement:

"How can a righteous man like Jesus forgive a filthy man like me?"

'What did i really do to deserve his forgiveness?"

Majority of us have probably thought like this sometime back, some of us even currently think like this :(

  • You think you are not worthy of forgiveness, especially not from such a righteous man.
  • You think God can never forgive you for the things you have done, watched or said.

But that is an absolute lie; 

  • A lie from the pit of hell, a lie devised to steal away your sanity and joy.
  • A lie that is standing between you and your salvation
  • A lie that is acting as barrier between you and your peace.

Because God really is able to forgive, and he is willing to forgive. He does not just accept your apology, he actually clears the entire record of your sins.

Imagine yourself in a court of law – there’s a long list of charges against you. You are guilty of every one. 

  • Guilty of theft
  • Guilty of lying
  • Guilty of sexual immorality through pornography & masturbation
  • Guilty of lust
  • Guilty of all things you could have done, said or thought about.

But right then when the devil thought he could continuee to oppress you through guilt and depression, Jesus steps in and gives His life in your place, taking the punishment for everything you’ve ever done wrong. Fam, he already died your death, he already bore your shame, he already took upon himself the pain you should suffer for your sins or wrongdoings.

All you need to do is accept His offer.

The Bible says in Romans 4, “Oh, what joy for those whose… record the Lord has cleared of sin!”

That’s you! Yes you! If you have accepted His forgiveness, your record is clear and a new slate is drawn out for you!

Stop reminiscing on your past mistakes or wrong-doings, 

Stop wallowing in self-pity because of things you were involved with during the time of ignorance.

Your past matters no more; a new slate has been drawn.


Prayer: Oh Lord i ask of you this morning that in whatsoever manner or way i might have sinned agianst you, i ask for your forgiveness in Jesus name, thank you for the new record that has been drawn out for me, for in Jeus name i have prayed.

Amen! Did you enjoy this session? Then check out for more devotions!


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