Is your heart broken? 💔

Anchor Scripture:

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed" [Psalm 34:18]

Dear family,

If you find yourself answering yes to this question, take heart, for this message is not just for me but for everyone who bears a broken heart due to various circumstances.

In the Gospel, we witness Jesus performing powerful healing miracles. Yet, there is another kind of ailment He came to heal—the illness of a broken heart.

Earlier this year, I faced a situation that left me feeling like I was in the worst stage of my life. Hurt, heartbroken, and in agony, I thought I was in a living hell. But Jesus healed me, making this challenging period one of the greatest testimonies of my life.

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," Jesus declared. He beckoned me to let Him heal me, assuring me that He is the Great Physician, ready to touch me at the point of my pain.

A broken heart may not be visible to others, but it leaves us crushed, hurt, injured, in pieces and despised. Yet, Jesus, the Son of God, came to heal the brokenhearted, to bind up their wounds.

"Psalm 30:5" reminds us that though we may weep in the night, joy comes in the morning. Regardless of the difficulty in healing your heart, there will be a day, by God's grace, when you will hurt no more.

Jesus longs to heal your broken heart, but He awaits your invitation, your openness, and your sharing of where you hurt the most.

Will you ask Him today?

Prayer: Jesus, I believe You can heal me. Restore my joy and happiness. You are unchanging, yesterday, today, and forever. Please come into my life. My life is entirely Yours. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen!

If you enjoyed this session, stay tuned for more devotions


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