How can I love like Jesus?

Anchor Scripture:

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." [Galatians 2:20]

Loving like Jesus can seem like an overwhelming task, even an impossible one when we recognize our human limitations. I faced a similar dilemma when a friend was grappling with family issues. I desired to love, serve, and stand by my friend, yet I felt the weight of my own inadequacies.

Questions flooded my mind:

  • Was I strong enough to handle it?
  • Could I commit fully to supporting my friend?
  • Was I at risk of burning out or getting my heart broken?

We, as humans, are flawed, sinful, and limited. The Bible calls us to be Christlike. But the question lingers: Are we truly strong enough to lay down our lives for our friends?

In many ways, the answer is no. We are human, prone to errors, and far from perfection.

Reflecting on a meme featuring a letter from a 5-year-old to God, I laughed but also pondered the child's profound question: How can God love everyone in the world when I struggle to love my own family?

We cannot carry burdens or love as Jesus does. While we can strive to be Christlike, we are not Christ. However, there's good news: "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." The token of Jesus within us is not limited by human constraints. We may not be strong enough on our own, but His grace is more than sufficient.

His love empowers us to love steadfastly and sacrificially. So, dear one, whom is God calling you to love today? To whom are you hesitant to show God’s love?

Recognize that it's not solely on your shoulders. His love is enough, enabling and equipping you to love as He loves.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, grant me the enabling grace to love everyone just as my Master Jesus loves. May the roots of God's love grow deep in my life and blossom in every area of my existence.

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