Healing Hands


Anchor Scripture:

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. [Matthew 10:1 NIV].Unbelievers call it "magic" but we the believers call it "miracle".

Do you know that not just pastors can lay hands on you and heal you?😱

I'm bringing this good news to you this morning… any individual who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost has healing hands! 

HEALING can be defined as the direct interaction between one individual (the healer) and a second (sick) individual with the intention of bringing about an improvement in the illness. HEALING occurs through the integrating forces that restore, transform, sustain and nurture the whole person (body, mind, spirit) at each phase and in every dimension of life, and within relationships of the person to the creation, to other people, and to God.

This definition is giving me amplified version vibe!

I've heard so many christians say stuff like "I'll meet my pastor to pray for me", "oh only my pastor can pray for me to receive healing"… that's a wrong mindset.

Pastors are humans like you too, just that their level of spiritual maturity is higher than yours and they've probably been in the ministry longer than you! They also have discovered their spiritual gifts and they're fulfilling God's purpose for them with these gifts. The ability to heal is made possible through the help of the Holy Spirit. When you feel sick or uneasy, you can lay hands on yourself and command the sickness to leave…


1. Through the finish work of Christ on the cross: When Jesus died on the cross, he did not only die so we can be saved but He overcame the devil and everything associated with him. So he died for our sins, he died so we can be healed, he was rejected so we can be accepted, he was disgraced and humiliated so we can be honored and many more things he did for us on the cross but I want to focus more on the health related part

Let's take a look at what the scripture says:

He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an

altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of

sin] and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you [who believe] _have been_ healed. [1 Peter 2:24 AMP].

The moment you accepted Christ into your life, you were healed. Sickness has nothing on you and you should not allow it affect you. God's word says "you have been healed" and not "you will be healed". This healing happened a long time ago, all you have to do in the present is claim it in the place of prayer.

You can also read Isaiah 53:3-5 for further reference......🤗

2. Knowing your position in Christ:  Ephesians 2:6. Look at this illustration

GOD Almighty


The believer (the recreated man)



The unbeliever (fallen man)




Microorganisms cause sicknesses naturally and satan uses it to attack the believer. Look at

where you are, where satan is and then the position of the microorganisms.

Who big pass?

Who get power pass?

Exactly! That's it! Some things shouldn't disturb you cause 2 minutes in God's presence will just scatter it. Satan and his demons are very scared of believers that have this knowledge but if you're ignorant, he'll just be attacking you left and right. Thank God for wisdom and knowledge!

Little children (believers, dear ones), you are of God and you belong to Him and have [already]

overcome them [the agents of the antichrist]; because He who is in you is greater than he

(Satan) who is in the world [of sinful mankind]. [1 John 4:4 AMP].

3. Faith: You can't even call yourself a Christian if you don't have faith. When you come down with something bad, after praying, you have to completely trust God and have faith in him that you are indeed healed. If you have doubts, fear starts to creep in and that's a way of giving satan access into your life. When you understand these things, diseases won't scare you. You can pray for yourself and others and receive healing. This doesn't mean you shouldn't go to the hospital. Some illnesses make no sense and some times lasts longer than usual. If you experience this, lay hands on yourself. But if you don't like taking drugs (like me😂) and you know your faith can carry it, go ahead and lay hands on yourself and faith it. Faith is a process, your faith doesn't just mature in one day.

Also, whenever you're sick, even if you're on drugs, still pray for fast recovery. Prayer is needed in every situation!

~ It's possible to take drugs and still be sick

~ It's possible to do all the surgery and nothing happens

~ It's possible to visit all the top doctors and they won't know how to solve your problem.

But in God's kingdom, there is no such thing as "impossibility", so you've got to pray!

There's nothing wrong in going to the hospital, God gave the doctors the brain and ability to do what they do😊. The point of this devotion is to let us know that we are fully equipped and the devil can't use illness to get to us.


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