
Showing posts from April, 2022

Biography of Artiste Tope Alabi

 Introduction: Tope Alabi is a Nigerian Yoruba gospel singer, soundtrack composer and an actress. She is also known as Patricia Temitope Alabi , Ore ti o common and as Agbo Jesu.   She is a unique artist with a special melody in her voice who is known to have charmed Christians all over the world with her beautiful music. The fame and popularity of Tope Alabi , also known as “Agbo Jesu” (someone that hears and receives instructions from Jesus Christ) in the Nigeria Gospel Music scene is so overwhelming. Testimonies from her various outdoor ministrations of how the Lord has mightily used her to meet with peoples’ need abounds till date. Background & Personal Life The only daughter among the three children, Gospel Artiste Tope Alabi was born in Lagos, Nigeria on October 27th, 1970 to Pa Joseph Akinyele Obayomi and Madam Agnes Kehinde Obayomi from Yewa , Imeko local government area of Ogun state. She completed her secondary school education in  Oba Akinyele Mem...

Our most important "Relationship"

Anchor scripture: No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known (John 1:18) You might wonder: How does one deepen their relationship with an invisible being? Some time back i was texting a friend before an online service started, and just as the theme music started to play, i told her that i had to go. Right then, she sent me a little smiley face and said:  "It makes me so happy to know you are strengthening your most important relationship the more." It has been a while since she has sent that and up till now i still think about that statement, to the extent i am evening sharing this experience with you guys. I had not thought of my relationship with of God in that light before but now that i think deeply about it, it is true! Indeed there is no relationship of greater importance than our relationship with God. But...... Why is it the most important relationship for us to spend time...

Mission Possible

Anchor Scripture: He said to them, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation". (Mark 16: 15) Fam, our first and foremost mission  "should we choose to accept it"..... Is to go into this crooked world and preach the "Gospel of salvation" . God himself gave us a mission to preach the Gospel, that above the desire to be successful , rich , famous , and established we must also run with the vision of spreading the Gospel to every parts of the world. But somewhere along the line we have taken this message to mean : We must save people . But the truth is that it is not our mission to save anyone. Yes, i know how sad that is ): even if we want to save that close friend of ours who is in desperate need of the truth and the light, we do not have the power to save him/her.  Our only mission is to tell people about the G ood news and let God handle the rest. Our only mission is to intercede on behalf of the unsaved souls around us and l...

Watch out for the "D"!

Anchor Scripture: In your anger, "do not sin". Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. (Ephesians 4: 26) Anger is a natural human emotion that we all feel at a point in our lives. Even the Son of God (Jesus) must have probably experienced anger at some points during his journey on earth, see (John 2:14-15) for reference. But there is no indication that Christ chewed on his anger, digested it and let it grow within him. Yes, i know  how difficult it is to control our emotions when they bubble up or show up. Be it a feeling of lust , anger , shame or even worry , all these emotions can be quite difficult to control at times, but we can choose how we want to respond to them when they do surface . There is a saying that: Feeling lustful or horny is not a sin, but your response to it determines whether or not it becomes a sin. The same goes for anger ; you are not the one responsible for making yourself angry, the other party is, however the moment you act on ...

Be still :)

Anchor scripture: Be still and know that i am God (Psalm 46:10) Hey there :)  Do you perhaps find it difficult to be still? For years , the thought of being still sounded so easy to me, it felt like it was something that i could easily do even when situations around me were not rosy . And most times i considered the term "Be still" as silence . When i get fed up with certain things or confused about an issue I would just sit down in a corner of my room and "wait". Waiting in Silence However, while spending time alone with God in silence is good, i have recently learned what the author of the book of Psalm meant by "Be still" . To be still does not only mean sitting in silence . Among many other things, to be still could mean different things to different individuals. To person A "Be still" could mean to: S top talking To person B "Be still" could mean to: C ease striving -This is an important one  To person C "Be still" ...

Prayer of the satisfied heart

  I say to the Lord, my God:   “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Psalm 16:2) In Psalm 16, David is taking refuge in God. Taking refuge includes David’s prayer for God to keep him. In other words, the prayer “preserve me”  in (Psalm 16:1) is itself a taking refuge in God .  But David doesn’t simply ask God to keep him. He also speaks and declares truth about who God really his. He stated the importance of God in the equation of his life.  (Psalm 16:2). The last phrase of verse 2 is packed with deep theological truth and precious fuel for worship. So, what does King David really mean when he says, “I have no good apart from you”? That: God is the source of all goodness. Have you ever heard this:  "Every good that is good comes from the God who is Good".   God is the maker and sustainer of all creations. Genesis 1 backs this truth, he creates and then appraises his work: “God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very goo...

To whom do you yield?

  Anchor Scripture:    O Lord i know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps .(Jer 10:23)(KJV version) Lord i know that none of us are in charge of our own destiny; none of us have control over our own life (Jer 10:23)(Good news version) If you ask me, i really love how the Goodnews version broke down the word of knowledge into smaller truths . Indeed none of us are in charge of our own destiny . Many theological claims have been spread across the world over the subject of " Free will" . It has been written and established that we have we have free will which enables us to control every situation or circumstances in our lives. However fam, our anchor scripture is saying otherwise, this reduces the claims of theologians to its greatest simplicity. "It is not in a man hands to direct his steps" . Not at all! The Good news version even brings out this point more strongly when it says " mere mortals can not ru...

Understanding the depth of God's love

  Anchor Scripture: May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long , how high and how deep his love really his. May you experience the love of Christ though it is so great you will never fully understand it. (   Ephesians 3:17-19) To be honest God's love can not be fully described, the prayer Apostle Paul mentioned in our anchor scripture is not asking God for more head knowledge , not at all! But that we all should understand so that it would really sink in and go from head knowledge to heart knowledge about how very much our Abba Father loves us. For he is love himself the Scripture says; Most importantly, this prayer asks us to experience the love of Christ on a personal level , you see knowledge is not enough , great sermons are not enough either , neither is hearing what God did in someone else life enough . A personal experience is what we all need, it t...

Delay is not denial

  Anchor Scripture:   For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future .( Jeremiah 29:11) Has your Abba Father given you a promise that has yet to be fulfilled?  Perhaps while reading this anchor scripture some time back you suddenly started having hope about your future because of what God promised,   But: •  Still this hope of yours is yet to come into reality. • Still this hope of yours is yet to become real in your face. • Still this hope of yours is confined to the walls of your dreams and expectations. You then begin to question yourself:   • Was this all real from the beginning? •  Did God really mean what he said? • Was God really talking about me? If truly all these are real, • Where then are the promised blessings? Some time back i had a conversation with an amiable friend of mine and she was also in the exact situation a lot of us are, but af...